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A Christmas Message

By 15/12/2021February 9th, 2022Huntlee Academy

A 2021 Christmas message from Noel Kirby:

Once again Xmas is here and I get ready to start my 5th year of the Academy. Christmas is promoted as a time to reflect, to enjoy having your family around, in whatever form that family takes.

It’s been a busy year for all of us and especially for myself and the management team as we had COVID, relocation and an increase in business because of the huge jump in sales in Huntlee. We have had some people leave the Academy for new careers and a few new trainees join us.

This last year has seen us with more equipment and updated utes etc to keep us going. The business is financially sound in no small part thanks to all who have worked hard and smart over the last year, our suppliers, customers.

The evolution of the Academy will continue into 2022 so watch this space. Remember COVID has not disappeared and can still cause us headaches if we don’t be vigilant around our close contacts, so please be careful. Over the next 12 months you will see change in our company as we position ourselves for the future in a sustainable way.

We will break over Xmas with Return and Earn closed from the 20th and the Academy closed from the 22nd to allow some housekeeping to take place.

So, thank you all for the successful year, Merry Xmas from the Academy family to you and yours and stay safe.

Noel Kirby
General Manager
Huntlee Academy Limited