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Our Business Partners assist us achieve outcomes for our employees.

The Huntlee Academy is a dynamic organisation experiencing significant growth in line with the development of the Huntlee township and the growth and economic development of the wider Hunter Valley community. We welcome opportunities to further expand our operations and gratefully appreciate assistance in this endeavour.

To assist us to train, upskill, educate and generally prepare our employees to achieve sustainable employment outcomes we partner with a number of organisations and businesses including suppliers of product and equipment used by our Business Units in their day to day engagements. Among these are businesses who are already working within the development of Huntlee.

We thank all our business partners (displayed below) for their continuing support of our endeavours and invite additional businesses to partner with the Huntlee Academy and, in so doing, help boost the social equity of the area.

A range of opportunities are available. Please contact us if you would like to discuss how your business can get involved.